
The vertical unit is made of white PVC plastic and is 43″ in height and 10″ in width with 5″ numbers and can be easily mounted on the tennis net post using (2) two hose clamps (included). We recommend the scoreboard be mounted perpendicular to the tennis net. This allows for clear visibility from the players and observers. Once mounted it is about 6’-6” in height from the court surface which includes the net post height. The red plastic slides are held in place with strong neodymium magnets located in the PVC slide channel itself and the red slide marker. Once aligned and clicked into place the magnetic bond is strong and should remain in place. These neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets ounce for ounce commercially available which makes this unit more expensive than the horizontal unit. We chose these magnets to ensure the red slide markers stay in place once positioned. These magnets are what allow this unit to function vertically, and in a similar manner as our horizontal scoreboards and make this scoreboard unique in the market.